Headcount Management & Workforce Planning Knowledge Center
In our knowledge center, we’ve gathered the essential insights in headcount management software, authored by experienced practitioners from leading tech and venture capital firms. This includes insights on workforce planning, headcount management, recruiting leadership, headcount software reviews, and financial planning and analysis (FP&A) topics. If you're a Talent Acquisition or FP&A leader seeking to manage headcount effectively in a modern enterprise, this is the premier online resource for headcount education.
Gain Credibility in These 4 Key Recruiting Meetings
Recruiting leaders need the data from headcount activity to help drive accountability with their team, hiring managers, and finance partners. Instant alignment of hiring plans, context about why things change, and the data to back up performance claims help Recruiting Leaders gain credibility in every meeting
Time to Fill as a SUPERPOWER
Time to fill is a non-standardized term in Talent Acquisition. Hiring Managers believe the clock starts when they ask for a hire. Recruiters don’t start working the role until it’s approved. Executives are unclear on how broad calculations can be used to predict start dates for revenue producing roles. headcount365 solves all of these problems by tagging specific data points to standardize time to fill
5 ways spreadsheets fail the recruiting process
Headcount spreadsheets have flaws. Formulas Break. You cannot track changes. Permissions issues. Data updates are manual. Spreadsheets do not connect to your systems. Spreadsheet data is less accurate for partner team models. All team members can not collaborate on one headcount spreadsheet. headcount365 not only solves these problems, but has built an intelligence engine to inform leaders about how these changes impact the finance, revenue, and culture
5 Questions headcount365 answers for Recruiting Leaders
By moving headcount data from spreadsheets to a headcount management software, Recruiting Leaders can better answer questions surrounding staffing their internal recruiting team, recruiter performance management, recruiting agency strategy, cost per hire, and hires on time