Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

Unlocking the Power of Headcount Data in your Board Meetings

Headcount data is crucial to a successful board meeting. As the largest cost center, boards are looking for how headcount spend impacts the health of their investment, and want to predict how future hiring will affect OPEX and Revenue. This article highlights how to extract & report on key headcount data so that your boards are happy, and your business is healthy.

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Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

6 Headcount Metrics Improved by Data Science

There is an unfathomable amount of data store in the headcount actions. This data drives accountability with WHO made the change, and tells executives WHY that change was made. headcount365 is the only headcount management software with a data science team focused on building the next generation of recruiting & finance data tools. Headcount data stores key information about recruiting capacity, time to fill, revenue, and hiring manager performance and headcount365 unlocks that data to improve the way our customers work with headcount.

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Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

The Top 5 Time Savers from Headcount Automation

Headcount automation reduces the meetings, emails, messages, & reconciliations required to maintain a source of truth between Applicant Tracking Systems, HRIS, Finance Systems and the teams that use them to manage headcount. By consolidating your headcount management process in headcount365, our automation platform produces executive data that helps companies excel

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Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

A Talent Acquisition Leader's Guide to the Weekly Exec Meeting

Weekly executive meetings are a chance for recruiting leaders to maximize their influence as the key stakeholder over the businesses largest cost center. This guide to the weekly exec meetings covers 5 key stories to tell. headcount365 automates this process to produce real-time accurate data for Recruiting Leaders to excel in this meeting.

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Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

A Recruiting Leader’s Guide to the QBR (Quarterly Business Review)

The Recruiting Quarterly Business Review is a time to explain the impact of recruiting on revenue and production to executives . A great Recruiting QBR should identify production variance, explain the why behind missed targets, and deliver a plan to remedy. Headcount365 streamlines this process, providing key context and data from headcount plan activity.

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Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

Recruiting Capacity like a PRO

Top producing recruiters are created by leaders who give them the tools needed to hire efficiently. This article covers the tools Recruiting Leaders need to extract from their non-recruiting stakeholders to ensure their recruiters are set up for success.

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Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

Time to Fill as a SUPERPOWER

Time to fill is a non-standardized term in Talent Acquisition. Hiring Managers believe the clock starts when they ask for a hire. Recruiters don’t start working the role until it’s approved. Executives are unclear on how broad calculations can be used to predict start dates for revenue producing roles. headcount365 solves all of these problems by tagging specific data points to standardize time to fill

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Eric Guidice Eric Guidice

5 Questions headcount365 answers for Recruiting Leaders

By moving headcount data from spreadsheets to a headcount management software, Recruiting Leaders can better answer questions surrounding staffing their internal recruiting team, recruiter performance management, recruiting agency strategy, cost per hire, and hires on time

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